This is the FAQ section of Music C•A•R•E•S !
Here we have compiled the most frequently asked questions about our platform and our commitment to more sustainable music events. If you want to learn more about our project, you will find answers that will help you better understand our goals and perspectives. Dive in and discover how you too can make a difference!
Do I have to register to use Music C•A•R•E•S?
No, you do not need to register to use the pilot version of the tool.
Will the data I enter be saved?
Data is not saved beyond the period from the time of entry to the results view.
Why can't I plan a festival or a tour?
The tool is currently under construction and the current pilot version offers the planning of a single show in order to test the functional principle itself. In the future, however, it will also be possible to plan a festival and a tour.
Is Music C•A•R•E•S free of charge?
Music C•A•R•E•S is free of charge in the pilot version available here and we are working on making the tool freely available in the future.
How were the sample values created?
The sample values for this pilot version are based on a mixture of internal research and open-source data and were calculated for small (300 people), medium (600 people) and large (1500 people) events. Therefore, the aim here is not to provide mathematically exact average values for every conceivable number of guests. Instead, this three-way division makes it possible to roughly classify the CO2 value of your own event according to size (small: 1-500 people / medium: 501-1000 / large: 1001-2000) within the Berlin event landscape, by using the tachometer in the results view.
How reliable is the CO2 calculator?
There is no claim to completeness or scientific perfection with regard to CO2 calculation, but rather a hands-on mentality to transfer existing knowledge into practice as quickly as possible. An exhaustive review of 'all' areas and criteria of events is not entirely feasible due to indirect emissions caused by complex supply chains, for example. However, we have consistently used emission factors for the calculation which, as far as possible, reflect an average/exemplary life cycle of activities or products. Finally, it should be noted that selected areas and criteria as well as the results displayed always depend on individual decisions, available data, data gaps and reference values. All formulas have been developed in collaboration with our cooperation partner myclimate and the associated calculations have been made to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Can I retrieve the data I entered at a later time?
The data entered can no longer be retrieved after refreshing the website or closing the browser window.
Why can't I select a larger event size?
For the pilot version, we have initially focused on an event size of up to 2,000 people. On the one hand, the aim is to test the functionality of the website and the tool, and on the other hand, larger productions can sometimes afford a sustainability manager to accompany and individually optimize the process. In the future, however, it should also be possible to plan much larger events with Music C•A•R•E•S.
Who is behind Music C•A•R•E•S?
The original idea for such a tool came from Mauricio Lizarazo Prada. He brought Josephine Doepner (project management) and Alicia Pfeifer (communication management) into the core team for the concrete planning and development of the concept of the pilot version. If you click on the “ABOUT” tab on the website and scroll down a little, you will see a detailed description of the development of the project.
How can I get more information on the individual fields?
There is helpful information on almost all areas and sub-areas, which can be displayed via the info box (small, circled 'i').
Why is Music C•A•R•E•S not available as an app for download?
There were various reasons for not yet making the tool available as an app (time-related, organizational...) - but the most important one is that as a pilot version it is not yet 'ready'.
Can I contact providers directly?
To get in touch with the providers, simply use the external links of the providers to their respective websites, Instagram or similar.
Is Music C•A•R•E•S only for Berlin?
The pilot version of the tool is initially aimed at the Berlin music event scene, but can of course also be used by players outside Berlin for testing purposes. In the future, both the presentation of the results view and the available providers will be expanded.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Feel free to send us an email at for questions and/or feedback. You can also follow us on Instagram @music_c.a.r.e.s to get all the latest news.
How can I be added to the database?
If you think that your services or products are a good fit for Music C•A•R•E•S, please send us a brief introduction of yourself as a provider by email (
- What field of the event industry do you come from?
- How do you identify with the SDGs? Which goals currently appeal to you and why?
- Give an example of why you contribute to sustainability with your service or product.